Monday 14 October 2013

Love happens by chance but it is kept by choice

    I know we all believe that love comes unexpectedly. That is true. You fall in love by chance. But come to think of it, somehow, love is also a choice. You can either choose not to go on loving someone and just leave or you can choose to love and stay in love. Falling in love and staying in love are two different things. Falling in love with someone is unexpected but you can choose whether or not to entertain that feeling. You can be in love with someone emotionally but staying and falling out of love is a choice. Saying "I LOVE YOU" is easy. Making promises is very easy. But sticking it out together and keeping the feeling of love itself requires a lot more than you can imagine. It requires an act of will. You will decide to stay in love by working things out TOGETHER. And you fall out of love when you eventually get tired and choose to stop trying.

   People may ask you, "Why do you love him?". You can simply say, "I don't know, it just happened". But when they ask you again, "Why are you still with him?" tell them "Because I love him". If they ask why, the simplest answer is "Because I choose to.."

                     Love happens by chance but it is kept by choice. 

My interpretation of "Love"

   This is applicable to any kind of love. Whether it be love for your family, friends, or love for a partner or spouse.

   They say "love hurts". Love doesn't hurt any one. It is looking for someone to love you back that hurts. It is being left alone that hurts. And it is losing someone you love that hurts the most. REJECTION, LONELINESS, and LOSS are what really hurts. Not love. Love is what actually makes you whole, what makes you complete, it makes you a better person and paints a smile on your face everyday.
   They say "love is blind". But that's not true at all. When you love someone, you see both their beauty and imperfections but still love them anyway. It is when you learn to accept their flaws. You love them regardless of whoever or whatever they are. Love is seeing the beauty in all the imperfections. Love is never blind because you still see the flaws but you just don't mind.
    They say love is letting go. Yes. That is true, but not all the time. It actually depends on the situation you are caught up in. You must figure out when to let go, or when to hold on. There are times when you have to let go and move on but there are times when you have to fight and stand up for the one you love. Sometimes, you have to fight to prove how much you really love someone. You have to fight for who or for what you love. And unfortunately, sometimes, you must let go. But remember this, before you let go, think of the reason why you held on so long. You must know when or when not to let go. Analyze your situation and act on it. Move and stand up for what you feel or let go before you end up hurting yourself, which is the most painful thing. Knowing you could do something for yourself , something that will bring you genuine happiness but not doing it anyway brings the greatest pain in someone's life, it brings you nothing but REGRET. And always remember to love yourself also, for that is the greatest love. As it was written in the song "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all."
                                         It may be the hardest lesson to learn but it sure is the greatest one.